Cog forum fallen hero retribution
Cog forum fallen hero retribution

cog forum fallen hero retribution

I don't think it'll happen exactly that way, but it is a plausible theory. But shhhh )Not as far-fetched as you might think. It's a little far-fetched, but makes sense to me at least (of course, so did my two previous nonsense LL theories.

cog forum fallen hero retribution

But shhhh )ĪrmadaPrime wrote:I think that the Magnificence's four key players (Rodimus, Ratchet, Rung, and Tailgate) are meant to serve as new hosts for the Guiding Hand. Those assignments actually line up a lot better character-wise imo! This kinda leads to what I think might actually happen, as a sort of altered version of the Magnificence's plan: On the ship right now with the architect are Rod, Ratchet, Rung, Nautica, and Whirl. Now what gets interesting is that the Magnificence's four are currently split up. Think less "stealing your body" and more "guardian spirit". Crucially though I think this would be a symbiotic possession rather than a parasitic one the bots wouldn't have to die. Rung would presumably keep Primus, Rodimus would get Solomus or Primus, Ratchet would get Adaptus or Epistimus, the others I'm not too sure about. I'm also not sure of the assignment exactly.

cog forum fallen hero retribution

I'm not sure who the fifth is- possibly Megatron, who wasn't around for the magnificence to mention last issue, or possibly Pharma/Adaptus as he's already in a new body. I think that the Magnificence's four key players (Rodimus, Ratchet, Rung, and Tailgate) are meant to serve as new hosts for the Guiding Hand. As such, on with the latest round of my increasingly absurd theorising! At least, that's what's showing on my laptop. Okay, so as of ZeroWolf's comment, I think we're out of frontpage-spoiler territory. Transformers Exhibit at Children's Museum in Indianapolis.Transformers The Last Knight Global Premiere Events ».Subscribe to Twincast/Podcast with iTunes.

#Cog forum fallen hero retribution movie

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Cog forum fallen hero retribution